Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tour of Down town Baton Rouge

This past weekend was an enjoyable weekend for the boys and I. Sarah had to study for nursing school and the weather was nice enough for the rest of us to go on an extended bicycle adventure. The Sunday adventure was the best yet.
We loaded up the bike.

We fed geese.

Then we rode through the LSU campus to the levee and down the path to the Down Town Riverfront.

We saw the kidd.

We saw bikes.

We played in the fountains.

We climbed on a cannon.

We saw geese and alligators.

And we took naps.

And best of all, I got to ride 20 miles with my boys. It was a good weekend. I was really pooped by the time we got home, but it was worth the effort. I need to work on child seats that will hold both kids on the BD safely. Towing the trailer is quite a bit more inconvenient than just riding the BD. I'm not sure of the overall weight of the bike and trailer, but it was more than enough of a workout going up the levee. The thing is LOOONNNGG too. Tractor trailer rig experience is preferred.